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     interviewed by robby sumner  
Band Website
Listen - "Realeyes"
       Interview with the whole band
       June 5th, 2004

Ryan Gonder -
Andy Marks - Guitar, Vocals
Matt Fischerkeller - Guitar
Justin Levy - Bass
E: Running From Romance is a band to be heard from out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. What sort of things have you incorporated into your band in order to make the songs more unique?
Justin: First off, we aim to create very technical songs while making it easy to listen to.
Andy: Yeah... anyone can just throw together a bunch of fifth chords, add a beat and some lyrics, and call it a song. And our influences range from all types of music, 'cause we all listen to bands like Thursday and Coheed and Cambria, but we also listen to Led Zeppelin and AC/DC, and we all really respect their music... so we incorporate things like minor pentatonic and other elements that were primarily used in classic [rock] into our songs.
Matt: We try to use more lead riffs than most bands do nowadays, for one, and we try to be as original as possible... 3/4 is also more meaningful to us--it gives the music a different sound. Occasionally we'll throw in measures of 5/4 to keep people on their feet.
Ryan: When I joined the band a while back, we switched styles to suit the screaming and energy I add in the studio as well as live.
E: Out of the hundreds of bands in the business today, what percentage of them do you think is really worth listening to?
Justin: I think all the bands that put 100% effort into what they do should earn every right to be listened to. So many bands right now are taking shortcuts and don't deserve the popularity.
Matt: In my opinion, if the bands put an effort into the songs, then it's worth the whole... I'll listen to anything that sounds good and shows that the band can write with talent.
Andy: Yeah, I think everyone deserves a chance. And who's the judge, you know? Who's to say what's good and what's bad if a band is genuinely giving it their all, and have a true love for what they're doing? They are worth listening to, and more.
Ryan: I agree with all that completely. If a band's working hard enough and want it bad, they deserve to--and will--be heard.
E: How much work has it taken to get you to where you are now as a band?
Justin: Well, we practice a ton. We make practice a huge priority before everything--practicing almost the whole week. We want to feel comfortable onstage and please everyone.
Andy: We work as hard as we possibly can, and we hope that our work ethic is one quality that separates us from other bands.
Justin: For example, practicing as much as possible before shows, promoting our music to our friends, and writing original music all takes time and much work.
Matt: Work is how we've gotten as far as we are now--we take what we do 100% seriously. We can work so hard because we love it, and hopefully in the end it will pay off.
Ryan: Lots and lots of dedication to the band... like Matt said, the harder we work and commit ourselves, the more it will pay off in the end.
E: What business aspects of the band are you involved in--things apart from the actual music?
Ryan: We rely on Justin for pretty much all of it.
Justin: I take care of most of the business--just keep things as organized as possible. As a whole, we experience contracts for shows, labels, and recording studios. We do all the merchandise sales and ordering. We have to pay many expenses, including website, recording, promotion, and travel. We have no outside help, so we totally rely on our own resources to make everything possible and work fluently.
E: How has the experience of playing shows changed for you guys?
Andy: I remember playing my first show in middle school in front of my parents and, like, thirty of my closest friends... and it was just as amazing as it is now. I just love every minute of it--sure, over the years I've gotten more confident. But it's still just as great.
Ryan: We also love traveling to places and sometimes surprising kids. The look on their faces when we're done makes it ten times better.
Matt: Out of all the aspects of the band, we look forward to shows the most.
Justin: We live to play our next show.
E: How much different do you think the band would be if just one member were missing?
Matt: We wouldn't be who we are. Without Andy, the music wouldn't be half of what it is... without Justin, no one would know of us, and we would play half as many decent shows... and without Ryan, the music would sound empty--his voice adds energy and emotion to our music.
Justin: And without Matt, we'd lose all the classic influences.
Andy: Yeah, with someone missing, it just wouldn't feel right. We all get along so well, and we more or less feed off of each other both on and off stage.
E: What's it like hearing people express their opinions on your music, both negatively and positively?
Ryan: From the negative side, we learn of the weaknesses that none of us realize, and then can work with that to make us better as a whole.
Justin: At the same time, it's disappointing... but we deal with it and take it into full consideration, and just make ourselves better.
Matt: And it's always great to hear that people appreciate what we're doing--when someone tells us they like what they hear, that for us is the ultimate reward for the effort we're putting forth.
Ryan: For all the work we put in, it's great knowing it's worth it.
Andy: But all feedback is really appreciated, positive and--at times--negative.
E: Who do you try to appeal to with your music?
Justin: We don't write music to a specific markey--we play what we like and, hopefully, fans and musicians alike will respect that.
Ryan: I agree.
Andy: Here here.
E: What goals do you hope to achieve through your career as a band?
Andy: We hope to have respect. Respect from other musicians, respect from the fans, and respect for ourselves.
Matt: We want to be respected as a great band--a band that won't be forgotten.
Justin: ...not for our personalities, appearance, or past.
Ryan: And last, to know that we gave it our all.
E: Well, thanks a lot--it's been great.
Ryan: Awesome! Thanks.
Justin: We realy appreciate it. Thank you very much.