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     interviewed by robby sumner  
Band Website
Label - Tooth and Nail Records
Listen - "Revisited"
       Interview with Aaron
       March 26th, 2005

Daniel Castady -
Vocals, Guitar
Aaron Green -
Keith Mochel -
Mark Rhoades -
E: Aaron, you play with The Fold, who was just recently added to Tooth & Nail Records. Was getting signed to a noteworthy label like this a primary goal from the band's beginning?
Aaron: Not really. I've been a huge fan of Tooth & Nail for years, and love what they put out. Several labels were showing interest in us, but none of them wanted to take a chance on The Fold. Tooth & Nail was totally into our band and wanted to work with us. So we felt right at home with those guys and they've been awesome.
E: Besides having a knowledge of all the great records the company's been putting out, what about T&N made them an ideal family for you to join?
Aaron: Number one was the excitement they showed toward our music. They're willing to let us grow as a band. The staff is amazingly nice and supportive.
E: Do you already have a pretty extended collection of self-produced releases?
Aaron: Yes, we have three self-produced releases at the moment, allthough we have a different lineup since the last independent album was made. Our style has progressed a ton since Mark and Keith joined the band, so our Tooth & Nail release will be the first chance for people to hear the "real" Fold.
E: Is your sound fairly influence-laden?
Aaron: We all listen to different types of music. But one band I can say influenced us to write riffy songs is a band called Far. They broke up a few years ago.
E: Do you plan on spending the next few months primarily on writing the new album? Or will there be showdates, at least locally?
Aaron: In April we are touring with Chasing Victory and House of Heroes. In May we're heading to California and back to Florida where we begin recording our album. We'll definitely be writing and playing local shows in between there.
E: Is the band's sound something that turns out pretty well when done live?
Aaron: I'd like to think so. We definitely like to bring the rock when playing shows. Daniel has a great voice too, which carries well into the live shows.
E: What's the primary inspiration behind all the band's music?
Aaron: I know that Daniel writes about events that have happened in his life the past couple of years. For instance, his cousin who suffered with schizophrenia and committed suicide. The song "Revisited" is about him.
E: Do you expect the band to branch out and find new ways of deliberately altering its style as you continue to release albums? Or will it most likely occur naturally?
Aaron: So far it's occurred naturally. We have never once sat down and said, "We need to write this kind of song, or that kind of song." Most of the time we'll sit down with an acoustic guitar and write a chorus and build from there.
E: What about the band assures you that you'll be together making music for a long time after today?
Aaron: I can say the hardest part about being in a band is meshing with the other members. But with The Fold, we all mesh perfectly. Every one of us has different temperments and personalities that usually don't tend to conflict. We're all best friends, and we all love music.
E: That should about do it... anything left you want to have said?
Aaron: Check out www.thefoldmusic.com and come say hi to us at a show soon.
E: Thanks a lot.
Aaron: No problem, man.