The Westmark is a band that has been in a consant state of evolution since its very conception. Already producing worthy material with catchy demo songs like "Farewell" and "Away We Go," the band made a subtle dent in its scene. With this new set of recordings, which I suppose will be left under the simple title 2004 Demos for lack of a better name, The Westmark showcases its ability to mold its sound into that of a band that is even more capable of exercising a unique blend of musical brilliance. With a track list consisting of only three songs, The Westmark has achieved what many bands fail to do with a twelve-song LP: they have put on display the individual style of the band that is short lived and yet entirely satisfying. While you may leave the demo wishing there was more, you regret little of the 10+ minutes spent listening. There is more than a little hope in me that The Westmark will waste no time in releasing a full record. While the inspired contribution of former guitarist Kevin Lanctot will no doubt be missed in future releases, if ever there was a man capable of taking on solo guitar duties it is Justin Taylor, whose ability to compose delicate and yet powerful riffs contributes greatly to the band's laid-back, though somehow energized, sound. Greg Savee's spiraling basslines make him something of an unsung hero on this release, and I personally hope songs to come will do more to present his writing contribution. Cory Barkman's drumming style matches the band's sound perfectly, and his well designed rhythms keep the highs of the album high and the mellower parts mellow. As for the vocal stylings of David Carpio, his is a voice that holds each note with such a steady calm that it is almost a croon, while packing so much passion into each word he sings that you feel embraced by the sound. Although I personally will miss The Westmark that brought me "Farewell," this demo shows that the band has indeed changed and it is in a way representative of whatever divine growth has occured in the soul of their inspiration. Citing its current primary influences as post-emo acts like Cursive and Pretty Girls Make Graves, the band is taking a step forward within this scene. ... R.S. '04 |